BIOBESTicide, a project funded by the H2020 BBI-JU programme, aims at validating and demonstrating the production of an effective and cost-efficient biopesticide to fight one of the most destructive disease of vineyards. The demonstration will be based on an innovative bio-based value chain starting from the valorization of sustainable biomasses, such as beet pulp and sugar molasses, and will exploit the properties of the oomycete Pythium Oligandrum to produce a highly effective and eco-friendly biopesticide solution for vine plants protection.
BIOBESTicide objectives are:
• To build a DEMO plant producing 10T of high-quality oomycete-based biopesticide product per year to be used in viticulture.
• To design the optimal product formulation to deliver Pythium oligandrum strain I-5180 and optimise the efficiency of the products.
• To manage the logistics solutions of the whole process to minimise losses and reduce costs associated.
• To test the products in controlled environments and practice conditions to demonstrate the performance of the product. In parallel, to monitor any unintended impact on the environment and potential risks for human health.
• To comply with the European regulation on Plant Protection Product (PPP) and to submit an approval dossier in order to obtain an authorisation for marketing the product.
• To ensure the sustainability of the established value chain.
• To demonstrate and showcase to relevant stakeholders the feasibility of the oligandrum-based biopesticide producing value chain; to involve specific categories of interest in the project such as farmers, companies involved in harvesting, storage and transportation of biomass, vinery companies, policy makers, researchers and society.

Activities in charge of Innovation Engineering:
- Logo design
- Website
- Dissemination Materials (Brochures, Poster, Roll-up)