The overall objective of AI-CUBE project is to contribute harnessing and optimizing the potential of AI and BD in the European process industry. Ai-CUBE will define a roadmap that will serve as guidance for researchers, managers, and operators, and include specific recommendations for all involved industrial sectors and organizations’ functions and processes.
The AI-CUBE concept is based on a tri-axial mapping of AI and BD technologies. It allows to map and visualize the status of AI & BD use and penetration per SPIRE sector (cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, minerals and ores, non-ferrous metals, steel and water) and per macro-application- process areas (e.g. research and innovation management and planning, process control, supply chain management, predictive maintenance, product customization).

Activities in charge of Innovation Engineering:
- Logo design
- Website
- Dissemination Materials (Brochures, Poster, Roll-up)